Strategy for Growth: The Six “Big Rocks”


Playcentre Aotearoa’s strategy for growth is laid out in the following six big rocks. Each rock is essential as we journey towards Ki te pae tawhiti (distant horizons). As we bound from rock to rock on our journey, the first four rocks are contingent upon the rock before and ensure a safe crossing to fertile land for Playcentre’s future growth.

Our fifth and sixth rocks are critical to the success of our crossing, providing stability and balance.

Big Rock 1. Trust Deed (Completed)

Without the Trust Deed Playcentre Aotearoa could not meet its statutory, compliance, regulatory and risk liabilities and Playcentre would be unable to function as the Trustees would have no authority to make the decisions that need to be made. The Trust Deed was adopted in September 2022.

Big Rock 2. Co-design (Completed)

Playcentre Aotearoa and the Ministry of Education have worked together to co-design a new funding model that will provide us with the opportunity to move closer to having enough income for the organisation to have a sustainable future.  This having been achieved, Playcentre Aotearoa continue to work with the Ministry of Education to improve Playcentre’s funding rates in a business as usual capacity.

Big Rock 3. New operational model (Underway)

A new operational model aims to relieve the burden of compliance and administration on parents as volunteers and meet our risk and liability management requirements.

Big Rock 4. Centres become branches (underway)

Centres across Aotearoa need to come together as one, to resolve issues that arose from the amalgamation of 32 Playcentre Associations in 2019. Centres choosing to come across to a new model means that centre whānau are protected against liability. This will also bring together all our collective resources that we need to move forward as an organisation together.  This will realise the original purpose of the 2019 amalgamation.

Big Rock 5. Grow revenue (underway)

In addition to co-design and operating as one whānau, we need to generate more revenue, beyond our ECE funding.

Big Rock 6. Business as usual (underway)

While all the above is happening, we need to keep doing what we do best, growing and learning alongside our tamariki while ensuring that we are meeting all our compliance, regulatory, administrative, and reporting requirements to manage our risk. And we need to do this whilst keeping a close eye on our budget.