Equity Funding Reporting

Playcentre Aotearoa are required to report to the Ministry of Education (MoE) on the Equity Funding our Playcentres received last year that ended in August 2022 (Nov 2021 – Jul 2022 bulk funding rounds). For every Centre that received Equity Funding they must report on the funding received and how and why this funding was spent by the Centre. Please note this information also needs to be provided to the Centre members/families.

To assist Playcentres to complete required reporting to the MoE we have created a simple online form for Centres who received Equity Funding to complete. This form, which will be available from 1 April 2023 can be accessed by clicking on the link below. All affected Centres have been sent a letter showing a breakdown of how much equity funding they received per category, to assist you in completing the online form. Finance will then collate the data and submit it to MoE for you.

The deadline for completing this online form is Sunday 30th April 2023.

Complete equity funding online form 

Cleaner’s insurance

Some Playcentres hire non-commerical cleaners (e.g. ex-members, family members). Previously these people needed to ensure they had their own contents insurance to cover the risk of damaging the Playcentre in the course of their duties. This has led to some cleaners arranging their own liability insurance. We have now come to an agreement with our insurance company that damage done by non-commercial cleaners will be covered the Playcentre Aotearoa insurance policies. We hope this makes life easier for your cleaners. Please note that commercial cleaning companies should still carry their own insurance.

IT Security

Playcentre Aotearoa has Cyber Insurance policies covering our entire organisation in the event of cyber crime. To be compliant with these policies, and to secure sensitive information held by Playcentres, we all need to follow good IT security practice. This includes choosing passwords which are hard to guess, changing them regularly, and ensuring IT equipment is physically secure as far as is practical. Beware of phishing emails or texts – if in doubt, don’t click any links and contact the alleged sender by another means. All Playcentre laptops should have basic security software, such as virus protection.