Swanson Playcentre

Swanson Playcentre is a parent co-operative with a child-led play philosophy; as parents we run a centre which teaches life skills through play.  Our whole ethos has always been about supporting parents to understand how children can thrive and learn in a relaxed and supportive environment. We are dedicated to the understanding that play is learning and that creativity is central to child development. We are a community  where people make life-long friends and find a strong community. It’s a community where adults can learn alongside children.
We pride ourselves in leading our children’s early education through their play as an alternative to teacher-led play where the children have freedom of choice in their activities with a large variety of play areas encompassing Physically Active Play, Sand and Water Play, Fantasy and Family Imaginative Play, Carpentry, Paint, Playdough and Collage, Messy Play and the list goes on!

Our role as parents is to play alongside our own and other children and to interact with them whilst providing them with nurturing support and guidance, and the encouragement to become independent individuals who belong to an amazing loving family within our Playcentre.

Swanson Playcentre welcomes everyone and we offer you:

  • 3 free visits
  • Lots of laughter, fun and friendships
  • Learning through Play
  • A Licenced Early Childhood Education provider
  • A supportive family and community of all cultures
  • High Adult to Child Ratios (1:2)
  • Free quality Adult Education
  • Mixed age sessions: 0 – 6 years
  • Committed to Te Tiriti O Waitangi and Bi-Culturalism
  • Whānau/family Co-operative
  • A session time of 2 1/2 hours
  • A safe place to have FUN with your children

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

5 Christian Road
Waitakere 0612
[email protected]
09 833 9238
027 880 5417

Open Times

Monday 9.15am - 12.15pm
Tuesday 9.15am - 12.15pm
Wednesday 9.30am - 12.00pm Space Session
Thursday 9.15am - 12.15pm
Friday 9.15am - 12.15pm

Other centres in your region


2 Rānui Station Road
Auckland 0612 [email protected]
09 832 0669
027 880 2548


5 Sunpark Place
Auckland 0614 [email protected]
09 833 8578 or 027 880 5396

West Harbour

1/74 Oreil Avenue
Waitakere 0618 [email protected]
09 416 4136
027 880 5792