For over 75 years Feilding Playcentre has been offering a quality preschool programme for children aged 0 to 6 years. At Playcentre, parents come with their children to enjoy educational, stimulating and fun sessions run by trained parents. We also have two highly experienced supervisors on each session. Children receive lots of personal attention and develop friendships with the other children.
Parents enjoy the support and company of other parents. We promote and encourage the free adult education courses and workshops.
Our kids explore and discover, have fun and are creative with lots of different activities available to them at every session. This includes painting, water play, play dough, blocks, trains, dress up, sandpit, carpentry and music.
We cater well to babies (usually our little brothers and sisters) so that the whole family can come to Playcentre together. We also have a dedicated baby area with a couch for breastfeeding and a cot for babies to sleep in along with a range of baby play toys and play mats, high chairs and books.
Our fantastic outdoor area includes a large shaded sandpit with a multitude of diggers, buckets, spades and other implements. We have climbing boxes, slides and swings as well as ride on toys, balls, a veggie garden and often set up confidence courses for the children.
Animals at the centre include goldfish, chooks and budgies. We have regular visits from animals such as lambs, rabbits and baby chicks.
We provide the opportunity for you to take your children on excursions to places like the A & P show, Santa Cave, Coach House Museum, local parks and more.
At Playcentre we believe that play is the central activity of childhood and through play young children are like little scientists, learning about themselves and their world.
We love to provide our children with the opportunity to decide for themselves what to do and when to do it. This does not mean a free-for-all; we have limits and the high adult: child ratio ensures the children are well supported in their play. The environment and equipment is arranged and selected by responsible adults in such a way that it is safe, stimulating and promotes all round development.
This promotes confidence, feelings of success, self-direction, independence, discovery, problem solving, decision making, creativity, opportunities to learn from mistakes, self-discipline plus a lot more. Our Playcentre caters for each child’s individuality, allowing each child to grow and develop at his or her own rate, pursuing individual interests and developing individual skills.
Many of our children also attend kindergarten or other child care facilities. Once your child is over 2.5 years of age, with the mutual agreement of the session co-ordinators and parent, your child may be left on session without you there.
Our fees are low and you only pay fees once no matter how many children are coming to Playcentre in your family. Parking is easy and we are in a handy location.
Many families live locally to Feilding Playcentre, but we also have families who travel from Sanson, Bulls, Ohakea, Halcombe and surrounding towns.
For more information and to arrange a free visit, please do not hesitate to contact us on (06) 323 6100 during any of our session times. Or leave us a message and we can call you back.
We look forward to seeing you here soon.
“I love the smile that appears on my daughters face when it’s a Playcentre day. She enjoys asking for pink playdough, and getting to help me make it. The leaps and bounds, and friendships she has made in the 2 years is awesome to see.”
“Being at home with my two children I was always looking for stimulating places I could take them. Playcentre is perfect. There is an abundance of activities, I get to really focus on playing with them and I love all the messy play they do….I no longer have mummy guilt about not setting paints up at home”.
254a Kimbolton Road
Feilding 4702
06 323 6100 or 022 853 8353
Monday | 9am - 1pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 1pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 1pm |
Thursday | 9am - 1pm |
Friday | 9am - 1pm |
77 Willoughby Street
Halcolmbe 4779
027 700 1409
1A Seaforth Avenue
Palmerston North 4414
06 356 9824 or 027 700 1033
16 Medway Street
Te Kawau 4862
06 324 8246 or 027 700 1034
77 Ruamahanga Crescent
Palmerston North 4410
027 8802551 or 06 3543768