
At Waipu Playcentre children do what they do best, PLAY!

Playcentre offers endless opportunities to explore, create, get messy, run, jump, dance, dress up, ride, move and grow.

We offer 3 free visits before you request to enrol

Address & Contact

28 St Mary's Road
Auckland 1011
[email protected]
09 432.0378

Open Times

Monday 8.30am - 12.30pm
Friday 8.30am - 12.30pm

Other centres in your region


228 McEwan Road
Ruakaka 0171 [email protected]
09 438 2155


161 Hurndal Street
SH12 (on 8 Gorge Rd)
Maungaturoto 0520 [email protected]
027 880 5420

Whangārei Heads

School Road
Whangarei 0174 [email protected]
021 433 389


17 Hastie Lane
Kaiwaka 0542 [email protected]
09 431 2115